Metal \m/
Sounds damn good to me man! The distortion sounds great, drums sound great, and there's just great riffage. Doesn't get better. Well... unless there were some vocals...
Metal \m/
Sounds damn good to me man! The distortion sounds great, drums sound great, and there's just great riffage. Doesn't get better. Well... unless there were some vocals...
Haha yea I wished, I don't have a mic, maybe I should buy one? Thanks for the review, glad you liked it! =)
I see you added an intro solo from the version on Sheezy. It fits in perfectly in my opinion, however I think you should work on making it a little bit louder, and make it clear. I mean, I could hear it fine, but it sounded like you weren't used to playing it yet, so I think you should practice it a little, and then recorded it again on a final version with vocals. Other than that, it's badass!
Yeah, I have soo many versions of this song...I forgot which was which. But yeah, the final version will be a lot different...and I will only have one version...hahaha. Thanks alot man\m/
Nothing short of awsome, as usual!
Why thank you, Your shit kicks ass, equally...motherfucker!!\m/
Holy sound quality!
Man, the sound quality is incredible! To be honest, I rated the "originality" as 7 because every decent band from my area sounds like this, and the guitar riffs around here are all based the same way (Massachusetts metal). But holy crap, the playing and drum beats were really kick ass! I deffinately think you need to hit up a collab with someone sometime to add vocals to your work! You're quite obviously ready for full-length songs!
Haha yea I know what you mean, but oh well, I guess I'm more influenced by other music instead of having my own original style. Any yea, making full length songs to me is kinda pointless in my opinion and should be left to actual bands instead of 1 person like me. Thank you for the feedback, it's greatly appreciated!
I fucking love the intro man! I do that a lot whenever I make stuff. I suprisingly have never seen the movie Hellraiser, but yet I knew all of the quotes you've used. My favorite being "Demons to some, angels to others..." which was used in a Mortician song. It was pretty awsome. But your song in general was pretty neat figuring I don't hear many people doing the same thing these days. Great job!
thanks dude i dont get many reviews
I actually wasn't expecting much before I clicked on this (only because a lot of stuff that gets submitted sucks most of the time, but this deffinately rules! Brutal at a lot of points, but what I love most is the sound quality! Just out of curiousity, what did you record this with?
Hehe yeah I agree alot of stuff submitted here sucks, like the people that try to make metal with programs. Anyways, thanks alot man!, and I use a line6 podxt live to record.
Do you folks like COFFEE?
It's pretty wicked man! Although, I gave it a 9/10 simply because I feel that there were some parts (counting the drums) were a little wrong. However that solo was incredibly blazing, and I give you credit for that, especially because you changed it around a bit and made it cooler than the original! Great work man, I will love hearing the new one with vocals later!
Well I did'nt want to stick to the original so I switched up the drums. because I thought it would sound better imo. Just because it is'nt played like the original means it wrong. That is why it is a cover song. Nothing too serious.
FL Studio...
Well, this would be incredibly kick ass if it had real guitars, which is my only set back. I do believe the song itself is really awsome! However with my knowledge of FL Studio, it's not too great for making metal. I make all of my weird and orchestrated sounds with it, but I make all of my drums with another program, and I record the guitar. However, I do like this so don't get discouraged. I understand you might not even be a guitar player, but this is cool anyway!
i'm actually a guitar player, it's easy to figure out tunes when you have some theory basis. I didn't put a real guitar in cause i wanted a more electronic "feel".
I'm old
Age 35, Male
Biology degree
Joined on 10/15/06